Vendor Highlight: Shelli Martinez of ShelliCan
Written by Rachel

Written by Rachel
I interviewed Shelli Martinez of ShelliCan as she is one of our newest vendors! We absolutely love the humorous and fun Shelli brings in life and through the products she creates.
Read on for more about the artist and maker we know and love!

RD: What inspired you to make this wonderful line of playful and delightful objects? What keeps you inspired?
SM: I want to make stuff that brings joy into this messed up world. Through laughter, empowering messages, and sometimes total nonsense. If I think it will result in smiles, I like to make it happen. Like most makers, everything I do is a reflection of my own personal feelings and interests. I go pretty hard for crafting, food, and pop culture concepts.
RD: Would you rather...
Knit with one base for the rest of your life?
Knit with the same color forever?
SM: Damn, that's hard! I do love brown enough to just knit with that forever. But I gotta go with using the same base because colorwork is my jam.

RD: What are your hobbies outside of knitting?
SM: I really like to cross stitch and have also started quilting. I'm definitely drawn to crafts with grids and charts. Since isolation started I've also been playing a lot of video games. And reading more now that I've joined Shelbey's book club.
RD: Sweet or salty?
SM: Why is this a gauntlet of hard choices? Salty. But I'm sneakin' some candy when you're not looking.
RD: What is the strangest thing you've ever knit/sewn? Do you still have it?
SM: My sister bought me an obnoxiously large and noisy vibrator in college. I crocheted a "silencer" for it that did not work. I no longer have either.

We currently stock all these products from ShelliCan.
Thank you Shelli for playing along!