Thanks For An Amazing Year!

Thanks to you all for following along and making 2019 amazing! This year I moved Ritual Dyes out of my home and into a beautiful studio space. It has made all the difference! I have an amazing crew of three who have helped me steadily grow and I couldn't be more appreciative. Every time you take a look at my work, make a purchase or leave a comment it allows me to continue to do what I love- thanks so much for your support this year.
Limited Edition Winter Solstice Offering
Darkest wintergreens, snow drifts & hot chai were some of the inspirations behind the new colorways featured in the Winter Solstice offering. I received so many fun responses to last weeks' question about the spark behind these colorways! I loved hearing how everyone feels about this time of year. For me, I love the inherent coziness of this season and the opportunity to slow down.
The first batch of Winter Solstice Offerings sold out right away. Thanks to everyone who gave them a look. I opened up a small amount of preorders and then the availability on them will be closed.
Featured Products
The final few of the Limited Holiday Walnut Backpacks are in the shop (and then they are gone for good!), a beautiful new batch of Dune (which has the loveliest variegation) and the last run on the 2020 Astrological Planner in White is available for preorder.
Things I like 🖤
It has been a busy week, but I am starting to find more time to relax and get some inspiration. For me, I really need downtime to be able to access ideas and be creative. Hope you are finding opportunities to slow down and enjoy!
What do you do to spark inspiration? You can always reply to me here (and I'll get it!). Sometimes just changing things up works for me. Some new things I've been into:
-Fresh food inspo @thedelicious
-I have been playing around with my new watercolor pencils and really enjoying!
-I'm just about all done with listening to holiday type music for the year and a good palette cleanser for me is this classical music playlist