Vendor Highlight: Adella Colvin of LolaBean Yarn Co.

LolaBean Yarn Co. began 5 years ago with a single stitch; that quickly turned into a thousand stitches as Adella contemplated on what to do to pass time while her husband was away in Afghanistan. She learned to crochet and knitting soon followed. Obsessing about all of the different colors, textures and compositions of the different yarns. Dyeing obviously comes very naturally to Adella! Her hobby quickly evolved into a growing, booming business. After the birth of her daughter, Adella rebranded her business. Her yarn label now features the image of her daughter, who she dedicates the future of LolaBean Yarn Co to. We love her vibrant color palette and commitment to family and community.
RD: What inspired you to start dyeing yarn? What keeps you inspired?
AC: An encounter that I had at a, now closed, local yarn store. When I entered the store, the first thing out of the store owner’s mouth was “I’m sorry, but my bathroom is for customers only”. The fact that she saw a black woman walk through her front door and made the assumption that I was only there to use the restroom made it clear to me that she had preconceived notions and biases when it comes to Black people and knitting. It stung. That is when I decided that I was going to dye my own yarn. I find inspiration in any and every thing that I live and experience; my kids, my husband, music, art; whatever stimulates my senses. Oh and the fact that the likeness of my daughter gets to be seen on those yarn labels by so many people around the world.
RD: Would you rather...Knit with one base for the rest of your life?
RD: What are your hobbies outside of knitting and all things yarn related?

RD: Sweet or salty?
AC: Are you serious? That’s like asking me which one of my kids that I love more. But if I had to choose it would definitely be salty/savory. My mother’s authentic Puerto Rican cuisine is my favorite and I wouldn’t give that up for anything in the world.
RD: I know that dyeing yarn can really cut into your knitting time. If you could be knitting anything right now , what would it be and why?
AC: I actually have a WIP right now that I’d love to be working on. It’s the Pebble Tunic by Joji Locatelli. I’m using Swanky DK from Magpie Fibers. The color way name is…. wait for it…. Adella is the Greatest!
Thanks to Adella for playing along! You can see all of the colorways we carry from LolaBean Yarn Co. here and if you'd like to see all of Adella's products, please check out her website here.