Limited Edition Holiday Knitter's Backpack for 2020 - Juniper!!!
Written by Rachel

Written by Rachel
Every year we put out a Limited Edition Knitter's Backpack just for the holiday season. This year we are featuring Juniper! A dark green with blue undertones canvas body with a metallic silver leather loop. We love the way these turned out. The holiday backpacks are always really fun to produce. We enjoyed seeing everyone's guesses about what this year's bag color would be- is this the color you were imagining?
You can find this exclusive, limited colorway at our shop (online and in-store) as well as through some of our retailers! These Juniper bags are winging their way to the following LYS:
Wool & Honey
La Bien Aimee
Tolt Yarn & Wool
Wool Town
Cream City
Elk Market
A Good Yarn Sarasota
Nina Chicago
The Modern Skein